This is a rescan in the correct Letter format. I can tell it's mine since it's Letter size and it was scanned in A4 size leaving a white band on the bottom as seen on the pictures. This document is often found for sale on eBay by sellers who downloaded it for free, either from here or from some other free site. It was probably a handout from one of the many Tek Service training courses I have attended. I found it some time ago among my other manuals and scanned it. Documents: As the title says this is a book on troubleshooting older oscilloscopes. Rename the directory to TEKCATS., Small DOS software to enter the serial number into an SD2x series sampling heads. Unzip to the root directory of any drive. Buy now to get the best prices with fast delivery on all TEKTRONIX products. Buy TEKTRONIX - WaveStar Oscilloscope Software at CPC Farnell.
The WaveStar TFA True Front Access Static Transfer Switch is the only STS which allows for installation.
Downloads by Zenith Downloads by Zenith Homebrewed Softwares: Obsolete Tek Softwares:, Windows helpfile version of the Tek document with the same name., Windowsstyle DOS program that imports waveforms from numerous Tek scopes like 11k, 2200, 2400, TDS and more., DOS program that imports waveforms from 2201., Windows program that imports waveforms from TDS 200-series.